Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kiehl's Skin Brightening Exfoliator

Kiehl's Skin Brightening Exfoliator
Acho que ja deu pra perceber que eu gosto muito dos produtos da Kiehl's, ne? Esse post eh pra falar de um exfoliador facial da marca, o Skin Brightening Exfoliator da linha Clearly Corrective White, que alem de exfoliar (duh!) tambem clareia a pele. 
Comprei ha um tempinho - nao lembro quando exatamente, so sei que foi aproximadamente ha uns 3 meses - na Australia e paguei $38 dolares australianos no tubo de 125ml.
Pra falar a verdade, eu comprei mais pelo efeito exfoliador, entao posso te falar que pra mim funcionou perfetitamente. Agora, se vc quiser a minha opiniao sobre o efeito clareador, nao saberei te dizer se funcionou ou nao, ja que eu nao comprei com essa intencao e vim de um clima tropical (Brisbane) para um totalmente diferente e frio (Vancouver). Ou seja, minha pele esta num processo de re-adaptacao e esta completamente diferente do que estava ha 3 meses.

Kiehl's Skin Brightening Exfoliator
By now, I think you've realized that I really like Kiehl's products, eh? 
This post is about Skin Brightening Exfoliator, which is part of Kiehl's Clearly Corrective White line.  It exfoliates (duh!) and whitens the skin, according to the sales rep.
I bought it, but can't remember when exactly, maybe it was 3 months ago - in Australia and paid $38 Australian dollars for the 125ml tube.
To be honest, I bought it for the exfoliating effect and it really works. As for the whitening, not so sure since I haven't paid that much attention to it. Also because I'm coming from a totally different climate: tropical Brisbane to temperate Vancouver, meaning my skin is in a process of re-adaptation and it is completely different from 3 months ago.

Kiehl's Skin Brightening Exfoliator
Kiehl's Skin Brightening Exfoliator

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